Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pet tails on Facebook

No, it's not all free, there are some items that still require actual money, but unlike Foo Pets, we do not have to pay a monthy fee to play. In my opinion, Pet tails is the better game now that the geniuses on Foo have changed the game so much it's ran like a puppy mill. The means or reason to communicate, the only socialization is in the forums or in chat. No need to message a friend except to say hello. No discussion for the business of selling pets. Foo no longer gives us breeding privileges were we are allowed to sell our pets to good owners for our own price, but are forced to sell to them. Like most breeder or mothers, we would like a say in who is allowed to raise our baby, be it animal or human. We would like to benefit from the sell, or give friends a discount if we chose. This has been taken away. Yes, now we are assured that we will be able to sell our pets, but unless one have no tenderness toward the offspring of a pet, or even for the pet, this is not a good thing.

There is a thing called 'greed', and it does have the power to control people's thinking and actions. Many of us were hoping that our complains, begging and threats to quit would cause the 'greed monster' to back off and let us have our game back. But it failed. And many, many did quit and I'm sure there have been a great many who never began the game because of the unreasonable monthy fee.

Yes, I was very attached to my pets, I do miss them, and may some time in the future, go back. I assume they will still be there. I do not know how long they are held frozen before the 'greed monster' takes them for resell. I have a Rottie there that is over 3 years old, and has double stats. He would have been worth 2000 foo cash, and many people would have paid it for him. I do not know what the 'greed monster' would have given me for him, had I chosen to seel my pets before my account ran out. I had promised him to a dear young lady, who was a wonderful friend of mine, but my account was canceled without warning, and I wasn't aware that it was so soon. I still had Kj Ane, the first pet I got for free, back when they were still giving the first pet for free. I miss him also. I had 37 pets and each one was special in it's own way.

I guess I have never learned the lesson that 'nothing in this life is free'. The only thing I have found that is free and never changes is my faith in Jesus. He is always the same and He paid all the price and it was given to me a free gift from God Himself, and I never have to worry about it being taken from me. In truth, He is the only One that anyone can count on in this life at all. Family, spouces and friends and children will let you down at one time or another, but Jesus will never leave us. I just whisper His Name and I feel His presence. He is my only continual Source of every thing I need on this earth, and He wants only the best for me. He gave His life why would He then withhold any good thing from me? Whatsoever I ask of Him, I receive and it is the Father's good pleasure to see His children prosper, joyful and at peace leaning on Him.

God is good all the time, and His mercy is renewed every morning. Foo is bad, bad Foo!

I meant to post something about Pet tails, I am not sure it posted, like the rest of the world, I cannot depend on my computer to do it's best for me.


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